Friday, August 15, 2008

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind..

The nation has been 'blazing'. Literally. Serial blasts. Unprecedented violence and mass massacre. Mass killings at the hands of our very own Police force, not to mention terrorist activities, have become the latest fad. First Bangalore.Then Ahmedabad, where the sick and the grieving were targeted in hospital attacks. Followed by Jaipur, Surat and places in U.P and Jharkhand. Not to forget the Nandigram massacre on the orders of the Left Front Government, to stamp out protests against the Government`s plans for a Special Economic Zone. And now Jammu is burning. Unmerciful killings in broad daylight. Darkness at noon. Land turned into burial grounds. Nourished solely by a red,bloody alluvion.
The past year has been a bloodbath where all fellow Indians, irrespective of caste,creed or religion are forced to dive in.
And here we are celebrating the 62nd year of Indian Independence, like there`s no tomorrow. Probably because there really isnt.
Its a little scary to look around and see the callousness of the Government and its people alike. Are we getting used to terror?
Happy Independence Day to All Fellow Indians!
Yes, we have attained Independence.
But when will we be free..?


Mira's mom said...

Hi Piper - the latest blasts really saddened me - I always felt that going back home would be my first choice at any point in time - but I would be partly lying if I say that I feel the same way today. I really hope and pray that we can come over this and that too, as soon as possible.

Sukhaloka said...

.. and that's why I just can't feel excited and patriotic about Independence Day :(. Today I was at a mall(a fairly low-class mall I must say), and the national anthem was playing. Before that was a cheesy Bollywood number, and after that came a weird metal thing. Of course, no one heard or paid heed to it. I didn't know what to think...

surbhi said...

I don't know the answer - but I do know that we need to keep asking these uncomfortable questions - we cannot afford to enjoy our secure lives (or the illusion of it) surrounded by all this violence.
I'm glad you wrote this post.

Piper .. said...

Hi All : I`m glad you all feel the same way. If each one of us were to do our duties separately, it would pbly change a whole lotta stuff. But sitting where I am today, I wonder what my duty is? And that is possibly the greatest problem the country is facing. The common man realizes what the problem is. But doesnt know what to do.

Anonymous said...

People like us should try and enter politics. I think thats one good way of erradicating corruption. Atleast by setting a good standard. If young, patriotic people become leaders, We will have a different India. And yes, we need to abolish all forms of differences: caste, religion, social status etc etc. Our identity should be First Indians then anything else. That is really lacking!

Piper .. said...

Anon: Easier said than done. But then I`m sure you realize that. The problem isnt the lack of identity. The problem is not wanting to stick our necks in. No matter how patriotic I may claim to be, I will not want to disrupt my normal life to get into politics. And therein lies the problem. How about you? Would you really want to join politics at any stage in life?

Renu said...

It is true that our Govt. is inefficient and people are callous, but terror has no boundary.Inspite of an efficient governance and security,still 11 september happened, then in Uk also, so.........can the people over there think of not returning home? Solution lies--- the same as Piper has said-in doing our jobs with utmost sincerity and ethics and if everybody tries to do that everything will fall into place.our duties are our jobs if we are working, then as a mother teach our children right values , morals and all,only woman can change the world.
Even if we dont enter politics, but choose good people, and do not give bribe, even if our work get delayed,we will doing a great service.