Pic 1 : Piper with Ma : a few days old
Pic 2: Piper with Grandpa : a few weeks old
Pic 3: Piper at 9 months
Pic 4: Piper with Dad - a year and a half
Pic 5: Piper with Lil Sis
Pic 6: Piper`s first day at School
Pic 7: Piper`s first official passport size photo for the school bus pass(Note the scowl!)
Pic 8: Piper then
Pic 9: Piper Now..
Long time ago I did a post on how incredible it is, the way a child moults into an adult. The wires click right in place as we traverse the journey of life and at some point we cease to be children, roaming around the world in wide-eyed wonder, without fear. Without hurt. Without anger. At some point we cease to be clueless little kids,fascinated by the world in all its splendour, smiling at ourselves in the mirror, crying and yet not knowing just how bad the strength of those tears will eventually hurt.
I yearn to go back to the time when I was happy. I long for the time when I didnt know how else to be.
At what point did my mind register fear, I wonder? At what point did my world mutate into a stage where year after year I continued to play a myriad roles? When did I start to bend,twine,tangle into a twisted mass of pretzel,never to untangle again? When did my scraped knees and broken bones suddenly become easier to fix than my broken heart? And Why exactly? When, inside all the grey matter did the circuits click in place, so that little things, magic things suddenly disappeared, never to come back again?
I often wonder.. Do you?
I love the way you express your feelings. I love that you are not afraid of your sensitivity. I have many inhibitions that block me from expressing my vulnerable side but you are free and it makes you so much more approachable.
My hectic days seem to be over so lets communicate :-)
Lovely pix but so small for me to see. Picasa them and share.
6th photo is lovely and the last one ..why back:):) only.
What a feast for the eyes - i had never seen these pics....you were such a cutie!!!! My fav is the pic of the 'first day at school'....how absolutely adorable!-JJ
yeah, those were the days!!! I really miss my childhood...I remember when I was a kid I wanted to grow up but now I want to go back to being a kid...How little things brought pleasure
You can add one more...when did i become shy, not to face the camera?
i do wonder as how the carefree smiles make way to the growl, the loving sharing gives way to the envy.. it happens and its part of growning up or rather part of decaying..
I often go into nostalgia mood and reminisce. Life is like that. There is no time machine. :(
This is such a sweet post Piper. The pics just made me moist eyed. there is something about them. Indeed how we grow up. You know there is a concept in reiki which says we have chakras which are fully functional and nice when we are born, however as we grow up, they are polluted by negativity and that is what causes diseases. I think its so true, as we grow we let our minds and hearts fill up with so many things that are negative... we can never be pure and innocent again.
I left a comment ..did you get it?
A nice post about the transformation from a trusting, totally dependent newborn to a "clueless kid" into a confident, and yet unsure adults. It happens to most of us except the ones who keep their child alive. A child is nothing but a being living in the present; we adults seem to be distracted by the past and try to shape our future - the present somehow gives us a miss and that I believe is the reason for our question, "When, inside all the grey matter did the circuits click in place, so that little things, magic things suddenly disappeared, never to come back again"?
i got all excited when i saw a pic post! waiting for the pics to download so that i could see you!! but *sigh* ur very smart aint u?? :P
well i still love ur haircut now...and the scowl in the passport pic! :D
Oh..Pipess....the pictures of yesteryears are so priceless no? look at you...so sweet and adorable. The tumbler pic seems to be a fad of our generation or maybe it is of all kids :) I too have some pics like that :). And yes, the first day of school :)
Oh that was tag so wonderfully done and u did it in a unique way....each snap was a story in itself.
Thank you so much,Mishy for sharing those snaps.All I can say you will find happiness in your life.'Cos,You're lovely person who has a beautiful heart.'Cos you deserve to be happy.Just have faith :)
To be a child is to be ignorant, Piper. To be a child is bliss.
To be an adult is to have knowledge. To have knowledge is to truly live and to be free.
oh ! (sigh) can u write...
"I yearn to go back to the time when I was happy. I long for the time when I didnt know how else to be"......BEAUTIFUL!!
looks like my comment didnt go through :)
loved this tag Piper:)
the pics that you have shared here and the words that accomapny them ..
my fav pic is the one of you with your lil sis :)..
you were a cutie pie:)
a lifetime in these pics na? a journey hard to describe?:)
Yes I wonder too...
and then I think that this too is necessary..this growing up and pondering over whats gone forever..
For, without growing up how would we have realized that some things were golden in life?
that we all were blessed with them?
that despite some memories that we would rather erase , some others snuggled in a corner of our hearts forever?
muah! :)
looks like my comment didnt go through :)
loved this tag Piper:)
the pics that you have shared here and the words that accomapny them ..
my fav pic is the one of you with your lil sis :)..
you were a cutie pie:)
a lifetime in these pics na? a journey hard to describe?:)
Yes I wonder too...
and then I think that this too is necessary..this growing up and pondering over whats gone forever..
For, without growing up how would we have realized that some things were golden in life?
that we all were blessed with them?
that despite some memories that we would rather erase , some others snuggled in a corner of our hearts forever?
muah! :)
Mini: :) I love that you are so generous with your comments and assessment of me :):) Yup, shall write in. Inlaws here. Crazy hectic ;)
Renu: Thanks Renu. Not yet ready to 'unveil' myself to the world! :)
JJ: hee hee! :) did you see the scowl? Its there in almost ALL pictures after the age of 1!! :)
Sraboney: you`re right. I would so yearn to grow up! And now, I so long to return back to school :):)
How`s Singapore treating you?
Sunder: ha ha! Not shy. Never shy. Just Smart enough! :)
Iya: I often wonder about the same. Why does life get so complicated? But then again, arent we responsible for killing the child in us? :)Long time.. how`ve you been?
Solilo: yes my friend. But you have a dear lil angel to live your childhood through, yet again! :):)
GM: yes, strange isnt it? How unnecessarily complicated we make our own lives? I often try to think of a specific time when the transformation happened for me. But It`s difficult to pinpoint.Maybe it wasnt an event. Maybe it just seeped in.
Indyeah: Finally got it :):) you`re just such a sweetheart! Yes, you`re right of course. But then again, I wish it was easier to keep the child alive in us.
JP Sir: wow! Perfectly worded! The G has pbly read your comment a hundred times.This is exactly what I wanted to say but couldnt put it in words.To be able to live in the present. Not to twist our future into the same moulds as our past.
Sunshine: heyy no, I`m not smart. And hence, you can click on the pictures to enlarge! :):) The scowl wala pic is the first passport-SIZED picture I ever had, not for the passport! :):)
A: :):) thank you, thank you!I love all these pics myself! If I sound like I`m gushing, that`s because I am! :) Isnt it always a pleasure to go through old pics?
Deeps: :) Hugs to you my friend. I dont know if you realize, but your love and support means so much to me.
Fram: To have knowledge is to live free. But also to live free with a heavy heart. Dont you think so?
Chrysalis: :):) you`re great for my ego! :):) thanks my friend!
Yes, on the heavy heart, Piper, but, personally speaking, I would rather eat from the tree of knowledge and experience all there is to know than to live as a child for a lifetime.
Then, too, for some unfortunate children, adulthood is an escape from having to endure mental or physical pain.
haha no i meant smart with showing us only the hair of the present Piper! i would have liked to c you! :)
Loved the pic and the little piece.. So true
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